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Candy Cotton


Role of Board of Editors:

The editors shall look into the smooth conduct of the review process and shall have the ultimate authority to take decision regarding publication of contributions keeping in consideration the suggestions and the feedbacks of the BOA (Board of Advisors) and the PRC (Peer Review Committee). The Editors shall further look into the matter that whether all the contributions are in compliance to the above mentioned guidelines, policies, rules and regulations. It is the Editors whose decision shall be final regarding the selection, publication and distribution of the e-magazine and such decisions shall be decided by a vote of majority amongst the Board of Editors (BOE).

Role of Reviewers:

Reviewers shall form the members of the PRC who shall be appointed for each issue of the magazine separately and shall be acknowledged through an acknowledgement letter by the BOE after the successful completion of the review process for each issue. Even members of BOE or BOA can become members of PRC. The PRC shall review the contributions (in case of articles shall also check plagiarism) and shall submit their feedbacks along with their views regarding the merit of the contributions, whether shall be published or not.

Role of Board of Advisors:

The members of the BOA shall be submitted with the draft copy of the e-magazine for each issue by the BOE who shall be free to provide their views and suggestions. The BOE shall pay regard to such views and suggestions and shall take their final decision regarding publication of the final copy.

Role of Contributors:

The Contributors are required to adhere to all the guidelines, rules and policies before submission and shall also follow and implement the feedbacks send to them after submission.

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