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The Nyayik Samachar


Dr. Manashi Kalita

Dr. Manashi Kalita

Assistant Professor, NEF Law College, Guwahati.

Mr. Bishaldeep Kakati

Mr. Bishaldeep Kakati

Editor, Poetry World Organization. Assistant General Secretary, North East Debaters Association. Journalist, Reporters Axom.
State Executive Member, Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal. Lifetime Member, Assam Sahitya Sabha. Co founder, The Youths Mind.

Mrs. Kankana Choudhury

Mrs. Kankana Choudhury

Faculty of Law at
University Law College,
Gauhati University.

Mr. Rafiul Ahmed

Mr. Rafiul Ahmed

Assistant Professor
DHSK Law College.

Ms. Himashri Baishya

Ms. Himashri Baishya

Faculty of Law at
University Law College,
Gauhati University.

Ms. Bipasha Saikia

Ms. Bipasha Saikia

Faculty of Law, University Law college, Gauhati University.

Ms. Nargis Choudhury

Ms. Nargis Choudhury

Former Lecturer, School of Law and Juridical Sciences, Apex Professional University, Pasighat,
Arunachal Pradesh.

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