Saloni Sharma
Student at Fairfield Institute of Management
and Technology, New Delhi
What's in a name? celebrated playwright Shakespeare had his champion Juliet state in his Romeo and Juliet play. "That which we call a rose. By some other name would smell as sweet."
In any case, a great many people wouldn't concur with Shakespeare in their day to day lives. For, a name is the most unmistakable character of an individual, a family, a station, a religion, or a nation. Each name has a history.
The candidate, Namah - an inhabitant of Delhi, has looked to alter Article 1 of the Constitution, which names the nation and characterizes its regions. He filed a petition in the Hon'ble Supreme Court that our country India is renamed, Bharat.

Article (1) of the Constitution peruses, India, that is Bharat, will be a Union of States. The candidate says the name "India" is an "image of subjection" while trying to perceive "Bharat" or "Hindustan" as the main name for the nation. What's during a name," praised writer Shakespeare had his most acclaimed. This was fervently bantered in the constituent get together when India got Independence from British principle. The British called it "India". Before them, the Mughals, the greatest realm in India, called it Hindustan. After a serious discussion, the Constitution received two names for the nation, India, and Bharat. Presently, a request has been recorded in the Supreme Court looking for the expulsion of 'India' as the name of the nation and keeping only Bharat as the singular character of the country. [1]
In 2016 the same petition was filed in the court and the apex court had excused a comparative request. At that point, CJI T.S. Thakur orally commented that each Indian reserved the option to pick between calling his nation 'Bharat' or 'India' and the Supreme Court had no business to either direct or choose for a resident what he should call his nation. "If you would like to call this nation Bharat, be happy to call it Bharat. On the off chance that someone decides to call this nation India, let him call it India. We won't meddle," he said [2].
The nation India strikingly has been called by numerous names like Bharat or India. So, let's know from where the name Bharat and India derived from.
The name Bharat was chosen in 1950. The name Bharat is supposed to be gotten from the name of either Dushyanta's child Bharata or Rishabha's child Bharata. A few Puranas express that it is derived from the name of Bharata, the child of Rishabha.
Indeed, even the constitution of India perceives this reality when it opens with the sentence 'India that is Bharat'. The old holy messages like the Puranas and even the Gita allude to India as Bharat. Before the appearance of Britishers in India, Mughals had begun to call the land as Hindustan in light of the larger population being Hindus.
The name is derived from the name of the waterway Indus/Sindhu. The name has developed so often throughout the years, from Hindustan, Hind, Hidush, Hodu, Bharath, Bharatham and so on. Anyway, the name "India" was first utilized around 440 B.C by Megasthenese, however later on the name experienced a few changes until 1298, Marco Polo utilized the name India.
His name to this sub-landmass was given by the Western scholars. Before the segment, our own subcontinent's fringe contacted Afghanistan and the waterway close to the outskirts was Indus (Sindu) from which the word Sind and Sindi rose. Since the individual's past Sins (Indus stream) thought that it was hard to articulate Sind they either utilized Hind or Ind (and the waterway as Indus) which at last became Hind and Hindustan and by the Britishers as India and therefore the Indians.
Both the names Bharat and India speak to the country and both have an incredible history in their names. As I would see it, it doesn't make a difference if our nation is called Bharat or India. The only thing that is in any way important is that our nation is solid and autonomous and has grown very well over the previous years. Our nation has indicated various developments in all segments of society like innovation, administration, part development, farming area development, medical sectors, scientific sectors, etc. Also, India has become the first Asian country that has landed on Mars. not only these things but India is showing massive growth and becoming independent day by day as they are producing their products and following schemes like “MAKE IN INDIA” which means Indian products should be consumed more and more and spending less on the other countries.
These small initiatives by the government are helping India become an independent and strong nation.
As a resident of India, I am glad to discuss it — India's remarkable decent variety of religions, dialects, and societies is one of a kind and unparalleled. It has wonderful green yields that fill our property with greenery. It additionally has numerous waterways moving through prolific soil, an assortment of blossoms, plants, and creatures. The Himalayas improve India like a lofty crown. India has consistently been one of the most mechanically propelled nations on the planet. The individuals in India are warm and inviting.
So, as I would see it doesn't make a difference if our nation would be known as Bharat or India the only important thing is that India is a solid and delightful nation in its specific manners and the name India or Bharat both will suit this excellent nation as both the name has a decent history. So, whatever the name was chosen by the Supreme Court, every single individual of this district should feel pleased to be a resident of this extraordinary nation
[1] Prabhash K Dutta, Should India be renamed as Bharat only? Supreme Court to hear plea tomorrow, INDIA TODAY (June 1, 2020 15:28 PM), [2] Krishnadas Rajagopal, Plea for renaming India as ‘Bharat’ can go to Centre as representation: Supreme Court, THE HINDU (JUNE 03, 2020 18:58 PM),
Picture Courtesy- Naveed Ahmed