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Dr. Md. Sultan Haidar Alam





Dr. Md. Sultan Haidar Alam is presently working as Principal since 1st August, 2016 till date in NERIM Law College.
He has completed his LL.B. in 2002 from University Law College under Gauhati University.
He has done LL.M. in 2006 under Gauhati University.
He has completed his lp4Ph.D. in Law under Gauhati University.
Six years standing experience as lawyer in Gauhati High Court in Guwahati, Civil Courts, Courts of District and Sessions Judge and Chief Judicial Magistrate in Guwahati; infrequent practices go on in vacation time in the same courts; also attending chamber.
Worked as a member to a “Committee to Study the Legal Education System in Assam” constituted by Govt. of Assam in Higher Education Department.
He has also organized several Legal Aid Camps as Chairman of Legal Aid Committee, NERIM Law College, in the outskirts of Guwahati City for people who need legal aid in judicial proceedings to continue the suit/prosecution.

Rupantar- The Destiny for Revolution

Board of Editors

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